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8 November 2022
Brussels, Belgium
Tech4SmartCities 2022

Maison de la Poste 

The event will be hosted at the prestigious Maison de la Poste which is located at the Tour & Taxis site close to the Brussels North train station and next to the port of Brussels. 

Maison de la Poste is a newly renovated venue for conferences and events. What was Europe’s largest shipping and customs hub has become a beautifully reimagined conference centre, through a major sustainable urbanisation project. It is to be found at: Rue Picard 5/7, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.

Getting Here

Maison de la Poste, the conference venue, is a 10 minute walk from the main tram line. It is a 25 minute walk or 10 minute bus from Brussels North (one of Brussels’ main railway stations). A free shuttle service is available to transport attendees from Brussels North to Maison de la Poste.

A train travels every 10 minutes from both Brussels Zaventem airport (for those flying) and from Gare du Midi (for train travelers) to Brussels North station.

To accomodate your stay : Hotels & restaurants 

The Tour & Taxis site offers many opportunities to discover the best of Brussels' gastronomy during your lunch break and much more: have a look at the food & drink offer on the spot. 

Hotels in Brussels can be found at the website of Visit Brussels where you can find also all information you need to accomodate your stay. 

We're looking forward to meeting you again in person, to host this event in a safe and sustainable manner the following Covid-19 measures are applicable at the venue. 

Closed since 3 November 2022
Maison de la poste (Site Tour &Taxis)
Organised by
Participants 59
Meetings 131
Belgium 32
Türkiye 16
Spain 5
France 3
Canada 3
Hungary 1
Austria 1
Total 61
Company 14
Start-up 11
Authority/Government 7
University 7
R&D Institution 5
Consulting 3
Association/Agency 2
Other 2
Large account 1
Total 61
Profile views
Before event 3360
After event 321
Total 3681